Life is about what you make it right?

Everyone that doesn’t live under a rock knows this is probably one of the most difficult and confusing times in the US and the rest of the world for that matter due to COVID-19. People are confused people don’t know what will happen people are not feeling secure about where they are in their life or if they will have jobs in the future or maybe they already have lost their job or been furloughed.
This makes me look and feel like everywhere I look there is so much uncertainty, and so many people I see are waiting for what is next to help guide them and making their choices for the future.
That being said I want to point out that we still do have some controls in our life. I was reminded of this as I accidentally looked ahead on my UNF*CK yourself calendar (Which is basically a Calendar that reminds you to constantly Evaluate and reevaluate your perspective on things to look for deeper meaning and a deeper sense of control). For the weekend of July 18 and 19th the calendar states:
“your life, your success, your happiness is really in your own hands.”
This is an incredibly powerful reminder especially in these times of such uncertainty. There are always going to be things outside of our own locus of control and although that may be, you have to remember that there still are things within your control.
You likely have a good idea of what things make you happy or what things make you feel accomplished in your life. There may be some barriers like I mentioned due to the current crisis going on in the world, but there are also other avenues or routes to get to those points.
Ultimately, you are in charge of the decisions you make in your life. It is true that a lot of times we must be thoughtful or include others in our rationale for the decisions we make as they tend to impact more than ourselves but even with this there is leeway to arrive at the desired destination.
If you are going through a rough patch, don’t be discouraged. Things will turn around and will improve and they are going to be plenty of opportunities in the future to find exactly what you were looking for. If you’re not in the right place to find that get to where you need to be whether it be a new job a new location maybe even a new group of friends. Do what you need to do to enjoy this life and be happy. You only get one, make the most of it.


By: Cole Schenck

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