Well-being 101

The MindReset Community is comprised of individuals who seek to improve their own well-being while being part of a S.I.C.K. (Supportive, Inclusive, Compassionate, Kind) community. If you are like many people, you might have some idea of what well-being is, but may not know where to start!

Here is a brief overview of the various domains of well-being:

Throughout the years different models have been proposed to capture the essence of well-being. The MindReset likes to keep it simple and assists with five identified DOMAINS – pertaining to:

  1. PHYSICAL – Exercise, nutrition, sleep, body balance, prevention of disease and adverse health conditions.
  2. SOCIAL – Sense of belonging, social capital, social networks, social support, and inclusion.
  3. SPIRITUAL – Connection with one’s values and belief systems, self-actualization,  and consonance.
  4. PSYCHOLOGICAL – Self-acceptance, positive relations, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and sense of personal growth.
  5. EMOTIONAL – Ability to cope, resilience, stableness,  and hopefulness.
Dubb S. Communities Must Engage to Improve Health Outcomes. Nonprofit Quarterly. Published November 28, 2017.

Mental health is a blend of the social, emotional, and psychological domains, with a striking overlap with the spiritual domain. Whenever any of the domains are affected, the others are affected as well. Our environment and circumstances do influence overall health to some extent, with various studies coming to different conclusions about the precise value. There is agreement that personal choice, health behaviors, and attitude do contribute to overall well-being.

Other categorizations and constructs of well-being include: