Humility and Flow

Humility, what does it even mean?

How do you represent yourself,

Even when you aren’t seen?


This whole week I watched Rhythm and Flow,

Inspired by how others use music,

And words, to put on a show.


I joked with my roommate that one day I was going to be rapper,

That I’d include his name in it,

And talk about how a John is also a cr*pper.


And this statement in of itself would leave me in stitches,

Because I love being super silly,

And it’s like: “This is also who I am, b*tches.” 


But back to the other thoughts that swirl through my head,

I take moments to reflect,

On what happens everyday before I go to bed.


Themes of my life that I think about often:

Privilege, humility, pain,

Stay true, it’s okay to be hard, but also soften. 


Today I thought of this word: “Hue-mil-i-tee”,

And I reflect on what exactly,

Does this word mean to me?


It means staving away from sinking into pride,

Recognizing and appreciating others,

Respecting my opportunity to be alive. 


For example, Today after another productive, long day,

I come home and see our concierge,

I say “hi” he gives me a wave.


I must have a package, but I probably forgot,

Because my mind is a tornado,

Packed with many other thoughts.


“You’re so busy, you didn’t even know.”

He was right, I needed him,

To remind me, I can always count on Kristos. 


He walks slowly to the back room and I sense he wants to chat,

I know everyone knows him,

But did they take the time like me to learn about his past?


He is one of the few people I know without dreams,

Life was tough for him,

But he still greets everyone with a smile that beams.


I know he feels safe around me because I learned from others how to care,

It means taking time, it means walking with,

It means demonstrating when you have enough, that you can still share.


He gives me my package and stands back in the room hands crossed,

I’m already halfway out the door,

And I look back, he looks almost like he’s lost.


“Everytime I see you, it makes me smile.”

He says, and I say: 

“I know we haven’t hung out, it’s been a while.”


I have one weekend left this year that is without plans,

I ask him what he’s doing then,

Because he deserves the best, he’s Kristos, he’s the man! 


I look him in the eyes and say, “I’ll make time for you.”

He nods, he knows my time is pressed,

But he knows how I try to align my thoughts with what I do.


I need people in my life to remind me to be humble,

Going everyday, doing what needs to be done,

Understanding that I might stumble.


I can’t do everything I do alone,

I appreciate people who help me,

This is how I’ve grown.


Our minds can be used for learning and smarts,

But what keeps us modest,

Is appreciating those with good hearts.

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